What is E-design?

E-design is the design of a Web page, Website or Web application. E-design generally refers to the graphical side of Web development using images, CSS, flash and XHTML. Intoweb has been offering e-design for over nine years and provides unique and individual designs for each our clients.

Intoweb provides the following e-design services

Website Design

Website design (as part of e-design) is the entire collection of web pages and other information (such as images, sound, and video files, etc.) that are made available through what appears to users as a single webpage. Intoweb has built websites for many big companies from Porsche to Ellerines.. Imagine what it can do for you!

Flash Design

Macromedia Flash is a proprietary, robust graphics animation/application development program used to create and deliver dynamic content, media (such as sound and video), and interactive applications over the web via the browser.

Macromedia Flash is the lastest in web animation technology and essential part of any progressive e-design. A website can be built entirely in flash or a website can be built using flash for small areas of the page (eg logo).

Intranet design

Other functionalities that intoweb provides to companies which would like to have a website-system used within their company is intranet which operates within a local area network for further information click on this link intanets_design.html

To find out more about e-design contact us