Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

Evacuated tubes are connected to one another in a manifold. Water flows through the manifold and collects the heat from the top of the copper heat pipe. The solar tube is manufactured from very hard borosilicate glass and consists of two layers.

Evacuated tube solar collectors with internal adjustable collector surfaces allow this type of collector to be installed at angles ranging from 0º to 90º. The collectors are always pumped systems. The collector surfaces inside the evacuated tubes are set to the optimal angle during the installation.

The efficiency of the evacuated tube solar collector depends mainly on the angle of inclination which should be approximately the latitude of the location. The collectors however cannot be installed at less than 20º. These collectors can be used both in thermos siphoning as well as pumped solar systems. The evacuated tube solar collectors are ideal in windy areas due to their low wind resistance and in areas with frequent cloud cover.


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